Insuveg Forte – 90 cps

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by Ovidiu Bojor
Helps regulating the blood sugar
Presentation: 90 cps.
After the discovery of vegetable insulin in 1984, revolutionizing blood sugar
regulation with the most useful recipe!
The founder of modern phytotherapy, the most famous Romanian phytotherapist,
Acad. PHD. Pharm. Ovidiu Bojor, is a man who dedicated his life to our health. Insuveg
Forte is a project he worked on for several years because many people with high blood sugar
asked for his help.
Diabetes and high blood sugar cause a series of related conditions in the body. To balance the
body you have to take in consideration all the changes that take place in the body. The
Insuveg Forte recipe contains ingredients that take into account all the changes that take place
on all levels (physical, mental and emotional) and contribute to their balance.
This product is a new formulation of the first product INSUVEG (abbreviation for Vegetable
"The first INSUVEG product was created in 1984 in Nepal, in Kathmandu, where I was
permanently based as a UNIDO expert for Afro-Asian countries. The idea of elaboration
came from an ordinary accident. My Tibetan cook often prepares a dish for me based on
Bitter Cucumber (Momordica charantia). After eating this food, I felt a strong need for
something sweet, although I didn't really enjoy using sweets. What this sweet craving meant:
hypoglycemia. In specialized literature, Bitter Cucumber appears in the list of plants with
hypoglycemic action. In 1986, I brought with me several dozen seeds of Bitter Cucumber to
the country. It was introduced into cultivation at the Fundulea Medicinal Plant Center and
then cultivated throughout the country. From Momordica charantia and three other
indigenous plants with hypoglycemic action, resulted the product INSUVEG, patented at
OSIM by Centrul de Cercetări Biotehnos S.A.,. from Bucharest, the director at that time
being Prof. Dr. Ioan Mânzatu.At Biotehnos we developed the first batch of INSUVEG, which

was studied in the first phase by a volunteer suffering from type 2 diabetes (with or without
other conditions). The results were encouraging, even good."
At the INVENTA International Exhibition of Technical Innovations (May – June 1995) in
Bucharest, the product was awarded a gold medal and in 1996 it was awarded the Silver Gold
Medal at the 24th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. The product was
prepared as a food supplement at different companies, including Daphne – TimiÈ™oara and
Fares – Orăștie. After the withdrawal from the market for objective reasons (more or less), it
was born the ideea to develop another product with extracts from several exotic and
indigenous plants. The new formula was submitted to OSIM under the name INSUVEG
FORTE and is the fruit of the knowledge and experiences accumulated in over 50 years of
activity in the field of phytotherapy.
Composition, therapeutic actions and benefits:
The complete and complex formula that acts on all levels, the combination of active
substances contributes to lowering and regulating blood sugar, protecting organs affected by
high blood sugar, prevents the occurrence of related diseases and balances emotionally.
Bitter cucumber (Momordica charantia) in the form of extrapancreatic extract increases
the use of glucose. Protects and stimulates the formation of beta cells in the pancreas. Orally
administered charantin is more active than synthetic tolbutamide.
Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) – contain anthocyanosides that have the property of
improving the vascularization of the pancreas and preventing diabetic retinopathy. They have
antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well as a content rich in calcium salts, potassium,
magnesium and vitamins of type A, B1, B2 and C. Blueberries are recommended for people
who face diabetes or liver diseases, because they contain flavonoids, which have the property
of protecting the vascular walls, from the appearance of varicose veins and rheumatism.
Apart from the hypoglycemic action, anthocyanins prevent diabetic retinopathy and the other
side effects of the disease. The blueberry fruits found in this product help to reduce the level
of sugar in the body due to its hypoglycemic effects.
Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) – is rich in flavonoids, sterols, coumarins, maltol,
chlorogenic acid, volatile oil and alkaloids, Passion flower or Passiflora incarnata has
sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, hypotensive and antispasmodic properties. This ingredient is
essential for diabetic people, as it has the property of treating anxiety, stress, insomnia and
irritability, specific to diabetes. This herbal sedative is useful in the formula because many
diabetics become obsessed with the disease.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – used extensively in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese
medicine, turmeric is rich in curcuminoids, active substances with strong anti-inflammatory
action. Turmeric has the property of regulating blood sugar levels. According to recent
specialist studies, curcumin, the active substance in this ingredient, has the property of
regulating blood glucose levels and increasing insulin secretion by the pancreas. In addition,
it prevents the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and helps to reduce the level of "bad" LDL
cholesterol, the level of total cholesterol, thus preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular
diseases. Turmeric helps improve insulin response, and protects against problems such as eye
tissue destruction, possible brain damage, peripheral nerve disorders (neuropathy), and heart
Blueberry leaves (Vaccinium myrtillus) – the composition of Insuveg Forte also includes
blueberry leaves, which are recognized for their antiseptic, antidiarrheal, antihemorrhagic,
hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Bilberry leaves are rich in
antioxidants, ellagic acid, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as tannins, ericoline, flavonoids,
myrtilin and organic acids. Blueberry leaves help reduce blood sugar levels, as they help
optimize the function of the pancreas, improve insulin secretion and decrease insulin

resistance in the body. It can treat conditions such as gout, enterocolitis, intestinal parasites,
urinary infections, rheumatism, dermatological conditions or peripheral circulation disorders.
The antidiabetic action of the leaves is based on flavonic derivatives which, associated with
the anthocyanins in the fruit, favor the vascularization of the pancreas. Insulin is attached to
proteins on the surface of cells, the cell membrane playing an important role in diabetes. It
prevents disorders that occur during the course of the disease (diabetic angiopathy), causing
thickening of the basement membranes and walls of small vessels, increasing permeability
and thus causing metabolic disturbances.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) – the active substances in this plant, especially gymnemic
acid and other acids, inhibit intestinal and pancreatic amylases, interfering with the active
transport of glucose. Gymnema is useful in cases of type I diabetes, as it helps restore insulin-
secreting cells, increases insulin secretion, and improves the cells' ability to use glucose. It
helps to inhibit the absorption of glucose in the intestine, reduces the desire for sweets, helps
to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, thus reducing the risk of
cardiovascular diseases. The name of this plant in one of the Hindi dialects is gurmar and
means "sugar destroyer" – a term that very simply and clearly characterizes the properties of
this plant.
Beta carotene from carrots (Daucus carota) – Carrot is very rich in beta- and alpha-
carotene. Carotenoids from carrots are transformed in the liver into vitamin A which, in
addition to its antioxidant action and maintenance of the normal shape of epithelia, also
enters into the constitution of photosensitive pigments in the retina. This ingredient helps
strengthen the immune system, prevents diabetic retinopathy, treats respiratory tract
infections and relieves depigmentation caused by liver disease or old age.
Black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum) – black pepper is an excellent source of potassium,
manganese, vitamin K, C vitamin, copper, iron, fiber, calcium and chromium and has the
property of activating circulation, reducing blood sugar, preventing thus tissue inflammation
and the appearance of diseases associated with diabetes or aging. A small amount of piperine
is added to the product to activate the oils – curcuminoids – in the Curcuma longa powder
and to increase the absorption rate of the active substances in the body.
Chromium picolinate – regulates oscillating blood sugar and reduces sweet cravings. It
contributes to increasing the efficiency of insulin and the transport of glucose from the
bloodstream to cell membranes. It helps reduce appetite, being useful in weight loss.
Chromium Picolinate helps control the amount of sugar your body absorbs, thus balancing
blood glucose and providing stable energy levels. Accelerates wound healing and recovery
after surgery.
Ingredients, quantity/cps
Bioactive substances:
– extract from unripe fruits of Bitter Cucumber (Momordica charantia) – 50 mg
– Blueberry fruit extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) – 50 mg
– 4:1 extract from Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) flowers – 50 mg
– extract from Turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma longa), with 95% curcumin – 50 mg
– Blueberry leaf extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) – 45 mg
– Gymnema leaf powder (Gymnema sylvestre) – 25 mg
– Beta-carotene 1% – 25 mg
– Black pepper fruit extract (Piper nigrum), with 95% piperine – 5 mg
– Chromium picolinate, with 12.48% chromium – 0.5 mg (156% VNR Cr)
Direction to use:
– Blood sugar = 110 – 150 mg/dl: 1 cps per day in the morning before breakfast

– Blood sugar = 150 – 180 mg/dl: 2 cps per day in the morning and evening before
– Blood sugar = 180 – 220 mg/dl: 3 cps per day before the main meals
– Blood sugar > 220 mg/dl: 4-6 cps per day, 2 each before the main meals
– When the blood sugar level drops, the dose is adjusted according to the indications
– For those with oscillating blood sugar, it is administered as needed – when blood
sugar is increased.
– It can also be administered preventively, one capsule a day or as needed when blood
sugar is high, from various reasons.
– Not to be used by people allergic to any of the product's components!
– Not to be consumed by pregnant or lactating women!
– People under treatment with hypoglycemic agents must consult the specialist before
consuming the product!
– Consult your doctor or pharmacist before administration!
– Keep out of the reach and sight of small children!
Dietary supplements do not replace a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Customer Reviews

2 reviews

2 reviews for Insuveg Forte – 90 cps

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  1. Robbie V.

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    I received a recommendation from my doctor to take a natural supplement for a blood glucose level of 140 because it’s not serious enough to start taking medication. I took Insuveg Forte at the pharmacist’s suggestion and indeed, in just 4 months, my blood glucose level dropped to a normal level of 95. Yes, Insuveg Forte worked wonders in just 4 months!

  2. Baldovin F.

    Value for money
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    I have been diabetic for 10 years. It was only 2 years ago that I discovered Insuveg Forte. I take one capsule three times a day before meals and I no longer have problems with high blood sugar!! I regret not discovering it when I was younger!..

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